XIS cares for the well-being of our Community

At XIS, we recognize that learning happens both in and out of the classroom. We are so excited to provide our school community with various opportunities to learn and grow in all facets of life: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and morally.

Our XIS community strives to embrace a growth mindset each and every day. Challenges are simply opportunities to grow and learn. While some may say, “I can’t do this” Warriors say, “I can’t do this YET!”

“The expert at anything was once a beginner”

-Helen Hayes

After School Activities

After School Activities (ASAs) at XIS include both academic clubs and sport teams. Each ASA is coached or led by a member of the XIS Community.

XIS ASA Combined Schedule

XIS ASA Warrior Fund

Xi’an International School After School Activities all began with a dream. The dream was to develop a Physical Education program that benefited XIS students. With this dream, XIS Athletics expanded to include Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and Table Tennis. In 2019, XIS Athletics grew even further to become XIS After School Activities and now includes sport teams as well as academic clubs.


In honor of our staff and volunteers’ dedication to continuing our After School Activities an Athletics Scholarship Fund was created. In order to continue in the spirit of its mission while recognizing the growth of XIS, the fund has since been renamed the XIS ASA Warrior Fund.


At XIS, we believe that every student should have the opportunity to participate in ASA’s, regardless of their ability to pay. The XIS ASA Warrior Fund is designed to financially assist and help students have opportunities to participate in XIS After School Activities.


If you would like more information about how to become a sponsor of XIS ASAs or how to give to the XIS ASA Warrior Fund, please email the XIS Finance Office at finance@xischool.com.